Whiplash Adelaide

Treatment For Whiplash in Goodwood, Unley, Millswood, Wayville & Clarence Park

The Physio Studio offers quality physio care for whiplash sufferers throughout Goodwood, Millswood, Unley, Wayville & Clarence Park.

What is a whiplash neck sprain?

Whiplash Adelaide

A whiplash neck sprain occurs when your head is suddenly jolted backwards and forwards in a whip-like movement, usually caused in ‘rear-end’ car accidents, but can also happen with sports, particularly when colliding with another player, or falling and landing hard. These movements generate considerable force, causing the neck to accelerate quickly beyond the normal range of movement, forcing the supporting structures of the neck to work hard in response. Whiplash is effectively a sprain of the joints in the neck.

Who gets whiplash?

Whiplash neck sprains are not uncommon. About 2 in 3 people involved in car accidents develop some neck pain (with or without other injuries). Many people are surprised with the onset of neck pain following even minor accidents some hours following the accident. It is important to note that even minor car bumps can result in some symptoms. Less commonly, whiplash can result from everyday mishaps such as jolting your neck when you trip of fall.

Symptoms of Whiplash

Whilst the symptoms of whiplash will vary greatly, they may include:

  • Pain in the neck
  • Head feels too heavy for the neck
  • Reduced neck movement or stiffness
  • Pain into the shoulders and arms
  • Tingling in the arms and fingers
  • Dizziness, headache, blurred vision and pain on swallowing

Treatment of Whiplash at The Physio Studio

Initial treatment consists of education – knowing how to best help yourself, while reducing pain and inflammation with simple modalities like as ice being very helpful in the early stages.

Once any serious structural injury has been excluded, it is especially important to keep your neck mobile rather than immobilizing it in a soft cervical collar. Studies have shown that you are more likely to make a quicker recovery if you do regular neck exercises, maintain a healthy level of activities and keep your neck active rather than resting it for long periods in a collar.

Your physiotherapist, after conducting a thorough history and full physical examination, will also help to restore your movement through both hands-on treatment, such as massage and joint mobilization, and exercise therapy – to help improve the movement and improve the muscle stabilisers of your neck and head.  Your physiotherapist will also help by providing advice about things you can do to help look after your neck, such as looking after your posture and managing the load of what you’re doing while your neck pain is settling.  A supportive contoured pillow for sleeping can also be of assistance.

If you are suffering from a whiplash injury, call the clinic today on 8357 0418 to book your appointment


Book an Appointment

Book online or call us on (08) 8357 0418